Monday, January 10, 2011

Week Two - Day One

Well every one, I have been MIA and Laura has had to cover my blog duties. After Thursday's 3-mile run and lifting session, I just didn't have the energy to write a post. Don't worry, it won't happen again. But I must tell you what happened on Thursday because it was a good day. Laura and I completed the full 3 miles without taking one break!! It was an accomplishment for us and I was really happy about it. Although, one guy at Boom Fitness did rain on our parade by telling us we were cheating because we didn't go down all the way on our bicep curls. I guess he didn't read my earlier post which clearly states that we are chronic cheaters when it comes to hitting the weights. By the way, this is the second time we've done a lifting work out at Boom Fitness and also the second time we've gotten accused of cheating. I'm seeing a pattern.

Any way, I missed our 4-mile run on Sunday because I was in Jersey so I had to do it today. I won't lie, it's pretty cold in New York right now so when I got home from work, I put on my Under Armour ColdGear and headed outside. The run started off well but then it got darker and darker which meant it got colder and colder. My legs were literally shivering as I was running up and down the East River. I got through about 2.22 miles (I have one of those watches that can figure out mileage) and took a short break. Then I got back at it. I finished the 4 miles and as soon as I got home, I fell to the ground. This is what my roommate, Jessica, saw when she got home...

I might have been on the ground for a good 10 minutes before regaining consciousness.

While I write this, Laura is probably finishing up her light lifting work out. Monday's are supposed to be relatively easy because of the long run on Sunday. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for me. Tomorrow we have a 3-mile run and I plan on doing my lifting tomorrow as well.