Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day Two.....

After a rather easy Day One,I knew Day Two was going to be a bit harder. Unfortunately, I was mistaken, because it was a lot harder. For starters, Laura and I haven't really been hitting the pavement much so 3 miles wasn't going to be an easy task. Plus, we had just done some light lifting the day before and like Laura said in her last post, our legs were reaaalllyyy sore. It was actually pathetic. I remember the days at UConn when we would "max" out with 45 lbs. on each end of the barbell (we were the non-lifters on our respective teams so for us that was heavy). Well guess what? We only did body squats yesterday. Yes, body squats and we cannot move our legs. Pathetic. So getting back to the run. Throughout the day, I was IMing Laura asking her why the day was going by so slow and just mentioning how much I was dreading the 3-mile run. She was also complaining. But we did have some laughs discussing our new training blog. Any way, the clock hits 4:30pm and I'm out of the office on my way downtown to 34th and Park, the location of Boom Fitness. I hop into the locker room, drop off my stuff, and head over to the treadmills. I'm walking slow, contemplating turning back, but then I see our very own Laura Trzasko on the treadmill pounding it out (with her new Nike+ shoes). I hop up on the treadmill next to her and she's already 6 minutes into her work out. This was our first run so we didn't want to completely overdo it so our goal was to get to 1.5 miles and then take a very short break before starting up again. Well we both got to 2.5 miles, took a one-minute break, and then finished off. After completing the 3-mile run, we high-fived like nerds and went to stretch. The stretching part was painful and as I sit on my couch writing this post, I am still feeling a sharp pain in my quads. Little did I know that my quad muscles were still there...I was starting to think my legs were made of jello :(

Now I know this is a very detailed post but not only should it amuse you but it also keeps us in check. Reminds us of where we started and hopefully, where we can get to. Laura...Day Three is all yours.

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