Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week Two, Day 6

While Holly is up in Vermont begin a snow bunny, I'm here in NYC trying to stay motivated to work out while my partner is gone. Today was a 30 minute cross training day. Unfortunately I slacked off and walked for my cross train. Even though I slacked I will say my workout wasn't boring. I got to walk with my boyfriend and his best friend while they talked about sports, working out, and best of all, is it faster walking to Union Square from our apartment or taking the subway? Most people would say, how is that an argument, of course the subway is faster. Somehow the conversation lasted over a half hour and looking back on it, I don't think there was ever an agreed upon answer.

Tomorrow is suppose to be a 4 mile run but I will be running to our football game which is 5 miles and then playing in the game. I promise tomorrow's post will be a little bit more interesting and will hopefully include a picture of winners after the game.

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