Monday, January 17, 2011

Week THREE!!!!

I can't believe we've made it through 2 weeks and are now beginning our third week of training. It feels like just yesterday Holly and I were eating pizza and drinking talking about how awful it would be to run a half marathon and how stupid people are who do it. Even after 2 weeks of training I think we would still agree on that statement

Yesterday I went on a 4 mile run along the Hudson River on my way to Street Meat's 2nd football game of the winter season. The run went pretty well but I can't say the same for the football game. The vibe of the team once the game started felt a little off. This continued through the entire first half, ending with us down by 16. During half time, no one had much to say and everyone's PMAs (Positive Mental Attitudes) were almost nonexistent. In the second half we finally scored a touchdown but by the time we did there was no coming back. The game ended and we had officially lost to the Flying Pink Popped Collars. Let me say that again, we lost to a team called the Flying Pink Popped Collars! After the lose everyone parted ways not being able to grasp what just happened.

Today I have off from work and Holly is coming back from Vermont, so the training team will be back together with way better posts and stories tomorrow. Today's training is just lifting and stretching so I may be doing that in my apartment considering the high for today is suppose to be 28 degrees!! Gotta love NYC in the winter.

I hope you're not at work reading our blog today!! Happy MLK Day Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Even though I am at least reading your post makes my day better!!!'s 8 degrees here right now.
