Monday, January 3, 2011

Day One!!

So my friend Holly and I have been on a mission for years to get in shape and be "skinny mini's" since our days at UConn where freshman year we ate more than the people on Biggest Loser combined. Apparently you won't lose weight if you eat 3 meals a day at an all you can eat dining hall full of cheeseburgers, pizza, pasta, cheesecakes, and the most amazing cookies anyone has ever had. Even being Division 1 athletes didn't stop us from putting on the freshman 15. After many attempts at trying to lose weight and failing, Holly and I have now signed up for a program that will force us to get in shape, or we might die, the NYC Half-Marathon. Now if you ask me, looking back on this decision, it might actually be the dumbest thing we've ever done. Not only have we signed up for this run, but people are donating money for us to do it, so there is literally no way out.

This is a picture of Holly and I on Halloween at UConn probably about 5 years ago. I'm pretty sure you can only go up from that picture.

After much anticipation Day One finally happened and I'm not going to lie, I'm sitting in my chair at work almost in tears because I'm so sore and I never want to have to use my leg muscles to get up. So I would say Day One was a success! After some light cardio, we really pushed ourselves and walked for 10 minutes (I'm sure that will help us run a half-marathon), and then Holly and I lifted for basically the first time since UConn. When I touched that weight for the first time to do a bench press, I almost threw up. All the flash backs of trainers screaming in my face, the feeling of pushing myself physically further than I thought I ever could and the constant feeling that I was either going to throw up or just sit down and cry hit me. It took a minute to put all of those awful memories behind me, but after I did our work out wasn't too bad. We had one minor incident when a guy came up to us and told us we were cheating on our ab workout, but after we explained to him that we didn't care and we couldn't do the exercise without cheating, he left us alone.

We ended Day One the best way we knew how, SHOPPING! I purchased new running shoes that I will be debuting today for our first 3 mile run and Holly and I both got an amazing Nike fleece that we're going to wear for our first outside run together on Sunday. Tomorrow Holly will post about our Day Two experience, and it should be interesting because I can't remember the last time either of us ran 3 miles.


  1. can do an athlete!!

  2. I am so psyched that you guys are doing this and I am going to follow your blog everyday and lmao! Good luck and if you need any injury or training advice you know how to reach me!
