Sunday, January 9, 2011

One Week Down!

Today was the day I have been dreading all week. For some reason three miles seems hard but doable but four miles, that just sounds horrible. After a rough start this morning waking up on the late side, I got my life together and made myself a nice breakfast of eggs and a sausage and then only 20 minutes later went for my 4 mile run. That was my first mistake. I literally have NOTHING to do today, but still felt the need to wait only 20 minutes after having a grease filled breakfast and go on the longest run I've ever gone on since high school. Second mistake, stopping to walk at the half way mark for a minute. My entire body literally cramped up from the cold and wanted to shut down. I still had 2 miles to go! The run would have been so much easier if I had just slowed down to a jog or done anything besides stopping and then walking.

On the bright side, I got to see way too many men wearing long spandex who should not even be going into stores that have long spandex for men in them. I also got a taste of what the marathon is going to be like by having a homeless man sitting on the bike path on the east river cheering runners on. But I doubt the people cheering for me at the marathon would call me sweetheart and tell me I have a nice ass. Although I wouldn't be mad if they did.

Tomorrow is a day of just lifting so hopefully Holly and I can pump some iron without being told by some tool at Boom Fitness that we are doing bicep curls wrong. Have a great end of the weekend!

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