Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 10, Day 5

So guess who woke up at 8am this morning?? I did! That's right, I am well on my way to being ok with waking up at 6:30 for the race next Sunday. I didn't run yesterday because I went to dinner with my BF for our anniversary (we're so cute). It rained all day last night anyway though, so I'm not even sure if Holly made it out to run.

I'm leaving work early today to make my way to the great city of Washington DC. Of course me being the cheap person I am will be taking the bus, but thank god for netflix and UConn playing at 7pm tonight! I am visiting a few people in DC but will be running 10 miles with my best friend who is a marathon runner. A.K.A. one of those people that signs up for a half marathon like 2 weeks before because they're so in shape all the time. When I told her we had to run 10 miles she used the words: great, excited, and fun. I don't think she understands that I will have been dreading this run the minute the 9 mile run was over last Saturday. It should be interesting.

Since I'll be in DC I don't think I'll be getting back to the blog until Sunday night or Monday morning. Although I think I deserve a little credit for posting every day this week!

Have a great weekend!

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