Monday, March 7, 2011

Crunch Time!!

Wow, less than 2 weeks away from the half marathon and Holly and I are officially freaking out. We ran 9 miles on Saturday along the east river and didn't stop once! But after we were done we both could barely walk. Hopefully after recovering yesterday and today we'll be ready for our 5 mile run tomorrow.

I would like to point something out that I've been missing a lot in our blog and I feel like everyone else probably has too. Boom Fitness! Because of the nice weather our visits to Boom have been very limited. I went one time last week and the weather was awful so there wasn't really anyone there to complain about. I miss it. I guess we all knew the time would come when we wouldn't go to Boom as much and we'd have to run outside, I just didn't think it would be this soon. I was thinking more the week before the half marathon. So sad.

Starting today I am going to attempt to go to bed early for the next 2 weeks. My normal schedule is to go to sleep around 12ish and wake up around 8:30. In 2 weeks I need to change my schedule to waking up at 6 and going to sleep by 10. This is never going to happen unless sleeping pills are involved and I refuse to take them. I guess I'll have to try reading a book, counting sheep, or any other stupid methods for falling asleep that don't work.

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