Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week 10, Day 4

I got to spend part of my Wednesday night at my favorite place in the world, Boom Fitness. Because Wednesdays are technically cross train days and my knees have been killing me, I decided to go on the elliptical for a half hour. Its amazing how I used to go to the gym and almost die after being on the elliptical for a half hour and now it doesn't even feel like a workout.

After Boom I went over to Holly's apartment and we started talking logistics for the race. What we are going wear, what we're bringing, where should we tell people to go to try to see us when we're running? It's a lot to think about. So while I tried to plan Holly sat and laughed about how I have serious OCD when it comes to planning things out. It's a lot to think about and not having cell phones with us before, after, or during the race will be the hardest part.

Anyway, I got to sleep probably around 11:30 last night and set my alarm for 8. So obviously I woke up, turned off my alarm and slept until 8:40, even later than I usually wake up. This is going to be way harder than I thought.

1 comment:

  1. You do have planning OCD... it's so bad its good. You know i personally love it.
