Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 5, Day 4

I'd like to start this post off by saying that I'm no prude. I've been changing in locker rooms with girls since 7th grade, which is why I know what happened in Boom Fitness last night was not ok. For a little background, normally when I'm done working out I like to leave as soon as possible to go home and die on my couch. I keep my stuff in the front of the locker room (in an unlocked locker which Holly thinks is horrible) because I change at work so I can spend the least amount of time at Boom. So I basically throw my stuff in the locker and go.

After my 4 miler yesterday I was exhausted and just wanted to go home. When I walked in the locker room after my run I turned the corner and there was a naked women right in front of my locker. I have no problem with people changing in the locker room, obviously, that's what it's there for. But I feel like there is an understanding among women that I don't want to see what you have under your towel and you most likely don't want to see what I have. The locker room is full of women of all sizes and shapes so everyone tends to go about their business and then leave. It's not like how guys picture a locker room with hot skinny women walking around naked doing each others hair talking about boys and making out with each other.

It's also an understanding that if you're going to get naked in the locker room, you at least change in an aisle instead of the entrance. But this annoying lady proceeded to change very slowly and positioned herself in a way that I couldn't get to my locker. So I had to ask her to move because apparently being naked makes her very distracted and she didn't see me standing there. After about 30 seconds of pure awkwardness I quickly put on my coat even though my body was 300 degrees from running and got out of there.

This is what Holly and I have to deal with while we're training for the longest run of our lives!!


  1. when this run is over i expect this blog to continue. xxx

  2. you should see inside a guys locker room at the YMCA/JCC..oy vey.
