Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Day After Valentine's Day!!!

Now, as most of you were either celebrating Valentine's Day or hating it in a dark room eating everything you saw, I was looking forward to today. The day after Valentine's Day is one of the best holidays there is. It comes in at a close second to the day after Halloween. This day, this magical day, is when you can walk into any drug store in the great country of America and all of the candy from Valentine's Day is at least 50% off! They are practically giving it away, shelves and shelves of candy.

I'd like to invite people to share the amazing candy deals they see or indulge in on our blog. I know no one will but as anyone who knows me can tell you, I love a good deal, even if I'm just hearing about it. So pleeease do it!

To talk about our training really quickly, because I have things tonight and tomorrow night I did my 4.5 mile run yesterday. That also may have had something to do with me asking my BF for a cake for Valentine's Day and knowing I was going to gain 5 pounds in one night. Holly will be doing her run today and will hopefully do a post tomorrow.

Happy Day After Valentine's Day Everyone!!!!


  1. So i post a comment almost everyday, and for some reason they are not showing up. This is my test drive. Testing, Testing...1 2 3

  2. Okay- worked, and i figured out what i have been doing wrong.

    Anyways what i said today was all about how i would never go into a drug store today, i find it depressing. The candy is all old and on sale meaning the day devoted to love is over.

    But i will share that had a lovely v-day stealing candy form the kids i nanny for...well not steeling, but convincing them its a good idea to give me their treats. Its amazing how much candy a 2, 5 and 7 year old accumulate on valentines day.

    Keep up all the wonderful work ladies! i love you!

  3. Going to a drug store and getting half off candy is right up my alley...but that would be there is a drug store near by.

    Can't wait to see you guys in two weeks!! xoxo

  4. you kids better give me a new post... now that i have fully figured out how to comment, I'm excited about doing so.

    Keep kicking arse you two!
