Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just another day...

Well hello everyone!! Laura has been taking over posting duties because I've been in Vermont learning how to snowboard. Let me tell you, for those of you who have not tried snowboarding, I would think twice before heading out to the mountains. It was probably one of the most physically demanding things I've ever done - even more demanding than our college workouts. I couldn't even tell you how many times I fell and had to pick myself back up (see video below) and the pain that resulted from my falls. My arms, legs, butt, and abs have been extremely sore to the point where I can barely sit down.

On today's agenda was an easy 2-mile run. I thought this would be great just to get back into the swing of things and also stretch out my muscles. Before I put on my running gear, I went down to the front desk because I had a package there waiting for me. It was from Memorial Sloan-Kettering. I finally got my Fred's Team shirt which I will be wearing on race day! This motivated me even more to get out there despite not feeling 100%. Plus, I'm almost at my goal of $1,000! So, I bundled up and finished my 2 miles. It was tough, I must say, because my legs have been throbbing for the past 4 days but it was good to get a short run under my belt before this weekend's 5-mile run.


  1. Holly, I'm very proud of you for going snowboarding...but it looks like you were doing a pretty good job!! Love the video!!!

  2. Janet, do you like my blogging abilities? I added a video!

  3. Oh, i love this post...and you. Nice work snowboarding Holly! Keep it up girlfriend. I'm one proud roomie!
