Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day Three

Day Two was a rough one so it was time for Holly and I to look forward to an easy workout. After complaining to each other all day and coming up with a million metaphors for how sore we were, it was off to the place where the damage was done. Since all we did was ride the bike for 30 minutes I don't have too much to report on our experience. We did get to hear a woman who obviously thought she was Celine Deon sing while on the elliptical, but that was about it.

While we were on the bike, Holly read up on how all the celebrities are staying trim in US Magazine. She read about how Ali from the bacheolorette lost 10 pounds training for a half marathon that is a year away. So glad we gave ourselves less than three months. I passed the time by listening to The Hunger Games, my first book on tape ever. I read somewhere that books on tape are a good way to pass the time on long distance runs, so far it's working.

After our bike ride we were planning on doing abs or at least stretching, but after seeing that there were no mats for us to use in the most convenient part of the gym, we decided to just go home. We're so motivated!

Before I end the post I would like to say thank you to Janet McCormick for helping us post our workout calendar and donate links which you can now find on the right side of the screen. Thank You!


  1. you're welcome!! Riding the bike was a much better option than running 2 miles...bc today you're back to 3!!! Good Luck...and I'll be thinking about you guys.

  2. laura, this blog is hilarious. SO proud of you!!! xxx
