Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 8, Day 2

So I'm sure you are all dying to know how Holly and I did on our run together. Holly came and visited me at my parents house in the great state of New Jersey for the weekend so we could run together on Saturday. When the weather man says that it's going to be windy you normally think to yourself, that shouldn't be a big deal, it'll be like 20 MPH winds max. Nope, not saturday, we were running against 60 MPH winds at times during our 7.5 mile run. I took the lead on our run because I knew the area and at one point Holly literally blew past me because of the wind. Long story short we only ran 7 miles but it felt like we ran 20 because of the wind. But we do have an awesome story from the run....

Holly and I were running down a back road and we saw that a car had driven right into a telephone poll head on, probably from the wind. We stopped to make sure the girl in the car was ok but a few people were already with her so we kept running. On the way back there we police men blocking off the road in both directions because the telephone poll looked like it might fall. The policeman told us that we couldn't run past the accident and had to turn around and go around (at least 5 additional miles back to my house). Our faces looked so defeated. We had both reached a point where we wanted to just stop and go home from all the running and the wind. I think the man saw the desperation in our faces and offered to drive us to the other side of the accident. Thank God! Then the best thought ever passed both our minds at the exact same time, we are about ride in the back of a police car for the first time!!! After all the excitement of the 100 yard ride we got out and ran the mile and a half back to my house.

So even though the run was awful and I think we're feeling a little less motivated right now because it seriously took a lot out of us, we do have an awesome story to tell.

1 comment:

  1. not even one mention of the "throw back to high school" party?! I wish i knew how to post pictures on this thing...of you both at your best!
