Monday, March 21, 2011


Holly and I are DONE! We ran the half marathon yesterday morning and finished without stopping. It was hard, one of the most physically demanding things I've ever done in my life for sure. The support of our friends and our families has been unbelievable. I'd like to thank everyone who came to the run to cheer us on and to the brunch after. You guys are honestly the only reason Holly and I were able to finish the race.

To talk about the actual run quickly. We showed up to the race about 45 minutes before it started and it was around 35 degrees and still dark out. We handed in our bags to be taken to the finish line and waited at the start line for over a half hour. Everyone was very cold and excited to get the race started. I will say, the event is run incredible well and these people have everything down to a science. The run started and Holly and I were nervous. At the 2 mile mark I saw my family and got pretty excited and more relaxed. After that there were a lot of hills that we did not know about in central park. We were in the middle of nyc city running up hills that you'd think would be in a mountain range (not exactly but it felt like it at the time). As soon as central park was over, 8 miles, we started heading down 7th Avenue. I got to see my family again as we made our way down and took a right onto 42nd towards the west side highway. That's when we saw Holly's family and friends. After that we made our way down the last 3 miles of the west side highway to the finish. That was the longest part of the race for me. You know your close but not that close and just praying to see the mile signs coming up soon. We "sprinted" the last 100 feet and finished strong.

After the race I could not feel my legs. They were completely exhausted. Holly and I both said that we actually weren't that tired or out of breath at all, our legs were completely shot though. I think my legs would agree that it was by far the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. After the race I went with my amazing family back to my apartment where Holly and I put together a brunch for the family and friends who have supported us through the past 3 months.

Once again I would just like to say thank you everyone. You were all so amazing helping us raise money, letting us complain to you almost every day, and truly helping us believe that we could finish the race. I'm sure I speak for Holly when I say that we thought of each and every one of you while we were running to help us finish. Thank you so much!

We're DONE!!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Final Week, Day 3

As the half marathon is getting closer, Holly and I have been raising money for our 2 charities. Holly did an amazing job reaching her goal a few weeks ago but I am still doing a final push for my last $200. If you would like to donate to Big Brothers Big Sister of NYC please click on the link below. Because it is the organization I work for, I am lucky enough to see mentoring changing the lives of NYC's youth every day.

Thank you to each and everyone one of you who have been supporting us by reading and following the blog. It means the world to Holly and I that we have such amazing friends and family!

Love you guys!! 5 More Days!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Final Week! Day 2!

Hello All! So as the week is going on I am finding myself get more and more nervous about Sunday. As you all know we're so excited for it to be over, but it's going to be hard! My 5 mile run yesterday went fairly well with my knees only bothering me a little in the begining. Just to think that I'll be running almost 3 times as far as I did yesterday makes me want to die.

Now, as race day gets closer I am most concerned with an important issue. What am I going to wear? As of now they're saying it's going to be in the high 40s or low 50s, but in the morning that's probably between 38 and 45 degrees. Holly and I are def wearing long spandex because it's the most slimming. I have to wear my BBBS of NYC shirt, but do I wear something under it or over it? I should wear it over everything but what if I get hot? I'll be stuck with whatever I decide to wear. They also say that you're suppose to write your name on your shirt so people can cheer for you. I have no idea what to wear!

I'll take any suggestions...

Monday, March 14, 2011


Holly and I have 7 more days until this half marathon is behind us! I could not be more excited for this thing to be over. This week's key, per the advice of a marathon expert my friend Meredith, is to hydrate as much as possible, eat healthy, and only go for a few short runs. I have a lot of confidence in us finishing the race without stopping but I am worried about how painful that accomplishment is going to be. Holly and I have worked so hard over the last 3 months and are just excited to see the cultivation of what we've done and enjoy the day.

I think our schedule this week will be to run today and wednesday and then take it easy for the most part with a long walk Saturday to get the legs moving. I'm pretty sure this is all I will be thinking about this whole week, so if my boss is still reading the blog, don't expect too much work from me. Just kidding.... (my dad is going to yell at me for saying that)

Keep your fingers crossed for us all week that the race goes well!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 10, Day 5

So guess who woke up at 8am this morning?? I did! That's right, I am well on my way to being ok with waking up at 6:30 for the race next Sunday. I didn't run yesterday because I went to dinner with my BF for our anniversary (we're so cute). It rained all day last night anyway though, so I'm not even sure if Holly made it out to run.

I'm leaving work early today to make my way to the great city of Washington DC. Of course me being the cheap person I am will be taking the bus, but thank god for netflix and UConn playing at 7pm tonight! I am visiting a few people in DC but will be running 10 miles with my best friend who is a marathon runner. A.K.A. one of those people that signs up for a half marathon like 2 weeks before because they're so in shape all the time. When I told her we had to run 10 miles she used the words: great, excited, and fun. I don't think she understands that I will have been dreading this run the minute the 9 mile run was over last Saturday. It should be interesting.

Since I'll be in DC I don't think I'll be getting back to the blog until Sunday night or Monday morning. Although I think I deserve a little credit for posting every day this week!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week 10, Day 4

I got to spend part of my Wednesday night at my favorite place in the world, Boom Fitness. Because Wednesdays are technically cross train days and my knees have been killing me, I decided to go on the elliptical for a half hour. Its amazing how I used to go to the gym and almost die after being on the elliptical for a half hour and now it doesn't even feel like a workout.

After Boom I went over to Holly's apartment and we started talking logistics for the race. What we are going wear, what we're bringing, where should we tell people to go to try to see us when we're running? It's a lot to think about. So while I tried to plan Holly sat and laughed about how I have serious OCD when it comes to planning things out. It's a lot to think about and not having cell phones with us before, after, or during the race will be the hardest part.

Anyway, I got to sleep probably around 11:30 last night and set my alarm for 8. So obviously I woke up, turned off my alarm and slept until 8:40, even later than I usually wake up. This is going to be way harder than I thought.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 10, Day 3

Yesterday was a 5 mile run. It actually went better than I thought it would with the exception of my knees hurting the most they have so far. By the end of the run I could barely bend my legs. Oh well, we are down to only 10 more days of training!

After my run last night my BF and I went on a double date (my fav. thing to do) at Dave and Busters. Now, what people don't know about me is that I spent much of my weekends as a child at a wonderful place called Grand Slam. Grand Slam was like an arcade but then also had mini golf, basketball courts and batting cages. So when I was little my dad played basketball with all his buddies at Grand Slam every weekend and he would bring my brother and I. We would each get between $10-$20 to play games while he balled for 2 hours. We weren't the only family that did this so all of my friends from the neighborhood would be there and we'd run off to the arcade. I was ok at games like skee ball and pop a shot but where I really excelled was the claw. Girls would give me their coins to win them teddy bears, candy, and anything else you could imagine.

So after at least 5 years of going to Grand Slam I have completly mastered the claw. It's almost like it's an extension of my body now. Anyway, I got to show off my skills last night and won a knicks teddy bear for the BF. Pretty exciting stuff!

I got sleep right around 11 and started waking up around 7 this morning but still laid in bed until 8:30. Slowly this will start happening for me.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 10, Day 2

So... as expected I did not go to bed until 12 o'clock last night and once again woke up at 8:30. I need some serious recommendations. Granted it didn't help that I went to the Knick game last night and watched them kill the Jazz. It was one of those games where as a girl I almost wanted the Jazz to score a little more because I felt so bad for them. Julia Stiles was at the game last night and if you don't know, it was very exciting for me because Save the Last Dance is my favorite movie ever. Don't judge me because of that. I have different standards for favorite movies, they are the ones I could watch every day without getting sick of it. Easy A is starting to replace Save the Last Dance though.

Anyway, today Holly and I will be running 5 miles outside because it's suppose to be a fairly nice day. I of course made plans for dinner tonight and will probably not be going to bed until late again. I think my new strategy will be to just start waking up early so my body is tired earlier in the night... who knows.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Crunch Time!!

Wow, less than 2 weeks away from the half marathon and Holly and I are officially freaking out. We ran 9 miles on Saturday along the east river and didn't stop once! But after we were done we both could barely walk. Hopefully after recovering yesterday and today we'll be ready for our 5 mile run tomorrow.

I would like to point something out that I've been missing a lot in our blog and I feel like everyone else probably has too. Boom Fitness! Because of the nice weather our visits to Boom have been very limited. I went one time last week and the weather was awful so there wasn't really anyone there to complain about. I miss it. I guess we all knew the time would come when we wouldn't go to Boom as much and we'd have to run outside, I just didn't think it would be this soon. I was thinking more the week before the half marathon. So sad.

Starting today I am going to attempt to go to bed early for the next 2 weeks. My normal schedule is to go to sleep around 12ish and wake up around 8:30. In 2 weeks I need to change my schedule to waking up at 6 and going to sleep by 10. This is never going to happen unless sleeping pills are involved and I refuse to take them. I guess I'll have to try reading a book, counting sheep, or any other stupid methods for falling asleep that don't work.